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[交流活动] 绿版 / 课程结构 求助

发表于 2010-8-25 00:51:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hello there,

Hmmm, where to start

- 一个开源的电脑系统 (Greenboard OS, 基本上,是个基于 Ubuntu的版本。差别是我们不用gnome,我们加几个教育的软件和一个简单点儿的页面)
- 一个教室的系统
- 一个开源方式内容的平台
另外一个比较大的工作是安装电脑。我们现在有一些英国大使馆给我们的电脑,我跟几个阳光ers(立文,Breezefu, 猜猜)已经把一个学校安装好了 ,在平西付那边。也打算年底前再安装两三所.

这个工作我开始做了但是需要帮助,我一般是这么做 (我过一会儿会发个例子)

- 老师的接口 (+++)
- 软件设计师 (+++)
- 软件设计师 (+)
- 软件开发者 (++)
- 测试员 (++)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-25 01:10:52 | 只看该作者
So as promised, here is an example of the work that needs be done, I have followed the complete process once, with one of the teachers for one of the subject in one of the grades.
1. Discuss with a teachers: Grade 1 English teachers. Here is the feedback
  - kids forget everything everytime they change unit
  - kids don't know the alphabet yet at this age (i.e. we can't ask them to type answers)
  - learned vocabulary is quite basic

2. Find out an activity that can support the teacher: GCompris has an activity called missing_letter that goes like this:

That works well with our requirements, it teaches kids vocabulary without asking them to type whole words but the content is not what the kids are actually learning in class.

3. Borrow a text book, write down a list of all the words studied in first grade

4. Find pictures for all of them

5. Change GCompris content to have it match the content learned in grade 1

Done :) Now we have to do it for other years, other subjects and of course it won't always be that easy....
发表于 2010-8-25 09:10:57 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-25 09:59:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-8-25 11:38:07 | 只看该作者


发表于 2010-8-26 02:48:38 | 只看该作者
回复 2# julien

Hi! Julien,

Here comes my thoughts after reading your words:

Maybe we can organize courses content using web page. Software like GCompris is pretty good for children to learn new vocabularies, but Web App can also do the same job. Using web page/app to teach or do some other things is becoming a trending, especially with the upcoming HTML5, e.g, this PPT (written in HTML5): http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide1 (proxy needed, thanks Party!)

Here are the advantages:
1. Compare with the skills that developing a software required, to develop a Web App require much less. (HTML, CSS and some PHP or other languages; and people who have the basic edit skills can use it easily).
2. It's much easier to use, just like using MS Word. (Inserting text, images or other media files, etc.)
3. We don't need special platform for either developing or using, what we need is just a web browser. (or, if we use PHP or other languages in it, we just need to build a web server.)
4. Different classes can share one system at the same time with an accessible network (even LAN only). Even under the worse situation, the web app can be in individual use.
5. Portable, the web app can be built in a USB drive or other removable hard disk so that teachers can "editing everywhere, using everywhere", even on a Windows PC.
6. We don't need to seek for software designer/developer/engineer (Of course, I don't mean that we don't need these guys. The more the better.), I know that most of the members in Computer Group of LEAD are working with a web-related job and we can manage to do it.


To All,


也许我们可以使用网页或网站来实现课程内容的组织。像GCompris这样的软件对孩子学习英文积累词汇确实很有效,但是也可以通过网页/网站/在线应用的方式来实现。通过网页来进行教学或示范正在成为一个趋势,特别是当HTML5来临的时候,比如说这个HTML5范例的PPT:http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide1 (因为派对的照顾,需要翻墙才能浏览及使用)

1. 相对于软件所要求的技能,在线应用的要求更低(更新课程内容时只要懂得文字编辑即可);
2. 操作更方便快捷,和使用微软办公软件没有多大差别(插入图片、文字、流媒体文件等等);
3. 平台要求更低,只要有浏览器,即可实现(如果使用了动态语言,我们也只需要假设服务器既可);
4. 只要有网络,哪怕只是局域网,都可以让多个班级同时使用同一套系统。假设真的不具备网络条件,这个在线应用也能在每一台电脑上独立使用。
5. 移动性。只要有一个U盘或其它移动存储,即可实现Editing everywhere, using everywhere,即使是在一台Windows电脑上。
6. 我们不需要去寻找软件设计师/开发者/工程师,现有的成员即可完成,计算机组成员有不少都是从事网络相关工作的,我想通过协作应该不难完成。(当然,我并不是说我们不需要拥有这些技能的成员,多多益善 :) ).
发表于 2010-8-26 08:52:10 | 只看该作者
回复 6# Chada

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 09:13:51 | 只看该作者
Hi Chada and many thanks for the suggestions.

I do agree that web apps are a big trend in the software industry but in my opinion it is not necessary a good thing (we can argue about that, granted) and I see two advantages for applications like GCompris:
- it's using *real* programing languages like C and Python as opposed to Javascript which is a huge piece of crap in my opinion
- it runs in full screen mode from the time you launch the application until you exit: this is really great for young users (grade 1 / grade 2), it saves a lot of support for the teachers who don't need to fight with minimized windows and such

Now it would be fairly easy to add web-apps in the Greenboard environment as it already comes with a web server running forum blogs and such so I think we could experiment a bit for older users (grade 5 and above) for whom the Gcompris interface is quite childish.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 09:22:26 | 只看该作者
回复  Chada

    很赞成使用网页或者网站的形式,不过这样的工作量应该也不小。 ...
Breezefu 发表于 2010-8-26 08:52


发表于 2010-8-26 11:36:40 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 13:36:50 | 只看该作者
加肥猫 发表于 2010-8-26 11:36


我对网页形式有意见是因为那些网页形式的“软件”大部分都是用javascript.比如google docs, 很多的用户觉得不需要下载或者安装东西就很方便也很安全因为google docs就是服务器上运行。这个想法是不对的,google docs就是在你的机器上运行,不需要安装什么东西是因为你每次上它的网站,你会自动地下载一个大的javascript的包然后在你的浏览机运行。你什么都不需要确定。javascript可以查不少的你的本人的隐私所以我觉得这样的情况并不是那么的理想。就是方便。

发表于 2010-8-26 21:16:26 | 只看该作者
回复 11# julien

发表于 2010-8-26 22:09:20 | 只看该作者
回复 11# julien

Without CSS and Javascript, HTML5 can do almost nothing. Most of the new features of HTML5 required the support of CSS3 and Javascript, including audio/video support and webcam control which you mentioned above.

Well, we are here not talking about which language is *real* programing language nor do we talking about which language is much safer for users' privacy( and using JS in the courses is nothing about privacy), we are discussing the way to help improving the computer courses for kids.

As a front-end designer, I do very interested in C and Python. (esp. Python). And I have a plan to learn Python in my spare time (I began to learn C when I was 15 but soon lose interested, too bored for a impish kid). The reason I suggest using web app to organize courses content is that I think it's the fastest and easiest way.

I have no doubt that GCompris is one of the most suitable software for kids since I have never used it. I don't know how many C/Python engineers are there in LEAD; And fine, if we have enough guys and enough time, you may insist on it. Besides, I do want to join the team and have a try, too!
发表于 2010-8-26 22:21:48 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-26 22:48:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 julien 于 2010-8-26 23:58 编辑

@ Chada

As far as I know, Javascript is not needed for playing video and audio, maybe useful for webcams, I have not dug into that yet but as you mentioned it is not the point.

From a feature point of view, I also agree that it does not matter if the application is web based or Python or whatever else, what matters is if it is useful or not and web apps can be as useful as binary *standard* applications so if you prefer to do it that way, no worries either

I know I'll have a hard time resisting the trend that consists of running everything in a browser but Greenboard will take ALL the good quality educational software that we will be able to find until there are enough of them to allow us to be picky and I don't think it will be anytime soon ^^

Besides, as I mentioned, GCompris is a bit too childish for older kids so it's probably good to check what can be done web-based for grade 5 and 6 maybe? What I can suggest is that we check GCompris together and you advise on the feasibility of a similar framework, web based

@horsefoot, 我这个周末已经有CMC那边的人来帮忙(他们介绍的一个学校)看看下次需要不需要吧, THANKS
发表于 2010-8-31 22:53:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-1 12:50:04 | 只看该作者
http://www.greenboard.org/wiki/z ... F%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF

发表于 2010-9-2 11:06:35 | 只看该作者
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