本帖最后由 julien 于 2009-6-13 11:06 编辑
First draft:
Gdiums at the LEAD 6th anniversary event.
About LEAD:
LEAD (阳光, sunlight in Chinese) is a Chinese non-profit association that has been delivering courses to Chinese migrant schools since 2003. The extra classes are given by volunteers to the children during the week-end on one of the following topics: Literature, English, Sciences, Art, Junior Achievement (Economics) and Computer Sciences. As for the first semester of 2009, over 200 volunteers from LEAD have been delivering courses to 300 students from 5 different schools in Beijing. Classes are held almost every week-end. LEAD and the Beijing Gdium team got in touch in February of this year and have been regularly participating in events ever since. Some Gdiums have been used at the computer sciences classes, mostly with Rur-ple, Gcompris and Open Office Writer.
About the event:
On June 7th, LEAD organized an additional event to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the organization and the end of the school years for the pupils. 350 primary school and middle school children gathered at the Yimin (宜民) school where they could take part in 13 games and activities prepared by the volunteers from LEAD. On the top of that, some of the students that had been taking classes with LEAD over the last semester proposed 4 shows to the numerous crowd that had joined the event. Gdiums were used in one of the activities where students were to challenge one another on who could type the fastest using a learning program from Gcompris. The Gdium team is very proud to have participated in this event and is looking forward to further cooperating with LEAD in the future.
We are going to work on having it a bit less formal, I am not that much of a Blog writer myself. |