回复 2# julien
Hi! Julien,
Here comes my thoughts after reading your words:
Maybe we can organize courses content using web page. Software like GCompris is pretty good for children to learn new vocabularies, but Web App can also do the same job. Using web page/app to teach or do some other things is becoming a trending, especially with the upcoming HTML5, e.g, this PPT (written in HTML5): http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide1 (proxy needed, thanks Party!)
Here are the advantages:
1. Compare with the skills that developing a software required, to develop a Web App require much less. (HTML, CSS and some PHP or other languages; and people who have the basic edit skills can use it easily).
2. It's much easier to use, just like using MS Word. (Inserting text, images or other media files, etc.)
3. We don't need special platform for either developing or using, what we need is just a web browser. (or, if we use PHP or other languages in it, we just need to build a web server.)
4. Different classes can share one system at the same time with an accessible network (even LAN only). Even under the worse situation, the web app can be in individual use.
5. Portable, the web app can be built in a USB drive or other removable hard disk so that teachers can "editing everywhere, using everywhere", even on a Windows PC.
6. We don't need to seek for software designer/developer/engineer (Of course, I don't mean that we don't need these guys. The more the better.), I know that most of the members in Computer Group of LEAD are working with a web-related job and we can manage to do it.
To All,
也许我们可以使用网页或网站来实现课程内容的组织。像GCompris这样的软件对孩子学习英文积累词汇确实很有效,但是也可以通过网页/网站/在线应用的方式来实现。通过网页来进行教学或示范正在成为一个趋势,特别是当HTML5来临的时候,比如说这个HTML5范例的PPT:http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide1 (因为派对的照顾,需要翻墙才能浏览及使用)
1. 相对于软件所要求的技能,在线应用的要求更低(更新课程内容时只要懂得文字编辑即可);
2. 操作更方便快捷,和使用微软办公软件没有多大差别(插入图片、文字、流媒体文件等等);
3. 平台要求更低,只要有浏览器,即可实现(如果使用了动态语言,我们也只需要假设服务器既可);
4. 只要有网络,哪怕只是局域网,都可以让多个班级同时使用同一套系统。假设真的不具备网络条件,这个在线应用也能在每一台电脑上独立使用。
5. 移动性。只要有一个U盘或其它移动存储,即可实现Editing everywhere, using everywhere,即使是在一台Windows电脑上。
6. 我们不需要去寻找软件设计师/开发者/工程师,现有的成员即可完成,计算机组成员有不少都是从事网络相关工作的,我想通过协作应该不难完成。(当然,我并不是说我们不需要拥有这些技能的成员,多多益善 :) ). |