
楼主 |
发表于 2019-9-7 18:11:58
First class 10:00 -10:45
1 Self-introduction
-make name card with a role of animation movies or sci-fi movies, assistances help children introduce themselves and find out the knowledge about its corresponding animation role, for example: super man, X-Men,snow queen(冰雪公主)
-introduction should include :
1 what is your name
2 where are you from
3 how old are you
4 story about the animation character
-Give a brief introduction of those classic movies and corresponding characters
Second class 11:00 -11:45
-Watch a couple of plots of classic movies, (Marvel): Iron Man, (DC) Super Man, (Disney) Frozen (Domestic) 熊出没
-Introduce the knowledge about sci-fi movie or cartoons:
including: production company(Marvel,DC,Disney), classic characters, and main story line
-Spend half a hour playing game: cosplay
-Divide students and assistances into 4 groups , let them design programs regarding the specific movie characters
-Basic Requirements: 3 actions and 3 popular movie lines
First class:10:00 -10:45
1. Self-introduction
make name card (10:00 - 10:10), and assistance teach children how to say their names and teach children “I am from…”, and then practice together, draw lots to which country.
Watch a greeting customs video, learn the customs and learn the country flags and county name, learn Japan, Korea, Russian, France, US, Australia, Britain, China. (10:10-10:25)
play “find a foreign friend” game, after find a foreigner friend, using the specified customs make a simple Self-introduction (10:25 – 10:40), finally everybody together, choose one to begin our class from now on.
customs including: shake hands, hug, 贴脸 three times, 贴脸 four times, bow.
Make a short summary of the class (10:40-10:45)
Have a Rest 10:45- 10:55 (play piano for children)
Second class: 10:55-11:45
Review last term what we learned (10:55-11:05)
A-Z, phonics, some sight words
colors, animals, vowels, constants
read a book “The Fog” (11:05-11:20)
aim at they can read by themselves
phonics “og”
Listen to audio of Good English (11:20-11:40)
practice listening skills, listen 3 times, let them tell what they can hear
read the book again, and listen 1 more time
play “手影” game (if have time)
Make a short summary of the two classes, tell us which part is good and why, can speak in Chinese.
Bye bye classes, shake hands with the assistance
第二次课 大小班一起
第一节课 10:00 - 10:45,大小班一起
1. 认识南非的领导人,地理位置,国旗,国花,国兽,语言,动物,食物,特产,运动(10:00-10:35)
2. 跳南非的舞蹈 (10:35-10:45)
第二节课 10:55-11:40 大班教案
Dialogue 对话,有第一节课的南非介绍引出下面句子
1. What is your favorite country?
My favorite country is America
What are your favorite countries? 学习单复数的表达以及and 的用法
My favorite countries are America, Frach and UK.
2. Why do you like it? 学习单复数的表达
Because it is rich.
Because it is a rich country.
Why do you like them?
Because they are rich.
Because they are rich countries.
Example: 例如,可以问任何东西
What is your favorite food?
Why do you like it?
What is your favorite animal?
Why do you like it?
What is your favorite sport?
Why do you like it?
第二节课 10:55 – 11:40 小班教案
1. 复习上节课我们学习的见面礼仪 (10:55-11:00)
2. 认识见面礼仪的国家的国旗,并能说出这些国家的名字 (11:00-11:35)
a. 法国,日本,美国,俄罗斯,韩国,英国
3. 学习对话“what‘s your favorite ……?” “My favorite……is……”
“Why?”“Because ……”
4. 让孩子们能选出自己的题目: 国家,动物,花,名字,人,语言,颜色~,并能说出原因,最重要的是记住上面的句型~
第三次课 大小班
第一节课 10:00 - 10:45
1. 请新的助教自我介绍 2mins
2. 学习咕力咕力 英文说唱儿歌 《A pig》,教一遍歌词(助教帮助),然后唱出来!(10:00-10:20)
3. 小班同学通过歌词画出小猪,并且图中标注nose,ears,tummy
4. 大班同学通过歌词改写成小作文(10:20-10:25),写出来,如果简单,可以做扩展
5. 可选(看时间):学习don’t sleep,wake up,let’s play
第二节课 10:55 – 11:40
1. 听力练习 (10:55-11:05) listen to lesson 6 (1min),听三遍
2. 学习课文 (11:05-11:20)
学习 (the milk,the butter,the flour,the eggs,the pancake
3. 我们一起上课的:助教帮忙做个小总结,总结这两节课学的什么 (11:20 – 11:25)
最后我们玩儿个户外的游戏:pancake race(if we learn fast)(15mins)
第一节课 10:00 - 10:45
1. 请新的助教自我介绍 2mins
2. 复习上节课学习的《a pig》,老师说歌词,大班能写出pig,ears,oink,nose,tummy,let‘s play,wake up,小班能念出来,助教考察 完成情况记录下来 (10:02-10:10)
3. 检查上节课的作业,有谁听了《狐狸叫》,有谁做了煎饼????(10:10-10:12)
4. 学习咕力咕力英文说唱儿歌 《Fly》,练习说和节奏!(10:12-10:40)
5. 学习歌词Fly, I run fast, touch the sky, over the rainbow, why don’t you fly?If you fall, don’t cry.
6. 大班一边,小班一边,2人一组,每组一个助教,如果助教比较少,3人一组,
>助教能拼出下列单词能拼出每个单词的字母,并告诉一些phonics 常识
第二节课 10:55 – 11:35
1. 大班同学把这首歌改成剧本在助教的帮助下,然后下节课找人表演这个剧本,小班负责表演
2. 小班同学助教讨论编出超级简单剧本,然后小班同学表演
3. 最后大家汇演一下
4. 我们一起上课的:助教帮忙做个小总结,总结这两节课学的什么 (11:20 – 11:25)
第一节课 10:00 - 10:45
1. 复习我们上节课学习表情,首先大家一起学习一遍,助教自然拼读的方式再教一遍(10min)
2. 玩儿游戏: 每个小朋友分一个表情!玩“表情蹲”的游戏。(分组玩游戏,三人一组)
“Happy down,happy down,happy down then sad down“
3. 最后10mins,我们看一个
第二节课 10:55 – 11:40
1. 看动画片Peppa Pig recycling(10:55-11:00)
2. 学习单词: recycling,bin,bull,can,newspapers,bottle,rubbish (15min)并写下来
3. 学习对话 (11:00-11:35) (15min)
a. Can I help, mummy? Yes, you can.
b. What are miss rabbit doing? She is recycling
4. 学习造句 5min
5. 做个小总结,回忆两节课学的什么(5min)
节目名称: 课程串烧
序言: 7min30s
Part 1: 自我介绍,见面礼仪,漫威角色和经典台词
同学: Hello,Everyone,my name is xx, this is my father/Moher!I love my mother/father!
Give a hug!/Shake hands/France kiss/ bow (我们学过的见面的礼仪,孩子自己选择) 一起介绍1min
其次 cosplay 漫威的角色(需要买个道具支持,可选项)给大家介绍: Hello,everyone,I am Spider man/Captain America/Iron Man/Black widow/Captain Marvel/Thor
Iron Man:There is nothing except this. There's no art openings
Spider Man:With great power comes great responsibility
Black Widow:Hey,big guy,sun is getting real low
Captain America:That you must stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.”
Captain Marvel:神奇女侠,在课上讨论!
… 小朋友们可以选择自己喜欢的角色并说出代表性台词!
Part 2.
画外音:英文儿歌部分 1min30s
英文说唱《A Pig》,表演! 大家一遍说唱一遍表演(安排2个小朋友)1min
Part 3.
旁白: 表情包表演 (可以安排多一点儿的小朋友)1min
Part 4. 2min,提前剪辑音乐,选其中一段~
1. 我们的孩子扮演了几个漫威的角色分别是什么?
2. 我们的见面礼仪有哪些,并表演出来?
3. 我们英语儿歌讲的是什么动物?
4. 说出我们表演的表情几个表情,并表演?
5. 跳一段我们的舞蹈?
第一组助教,小班同学自我介绍,然后表演见面礼仪 (学完了,可以伴舞)
第二组助教,大班同学自我介绍,并说出经典台词,没有的帮忙上网查出来 3-5
第三组助教,学习a pig,两个小孩儿
1. 课程系统性还是不太够,教具设计的少,乐趣不够;但是时间有限!
2. 四季青上课总是中断????
3. 需要固定助教
4. 教学团队建设