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[新世纪图书馆] 【活动召集】2018-09-15新世纪图书馆秋英语课第一次活动召集

发表于 2018-9-12 15:31:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
召集人电话 (已通过人员可见) 活动分类 阳光公益活动
活动时间 2018-09-15 14:00 发起时间 2018-09-12 15:11
报名截至时间 2018-09-14 13:00 状态
限制人数 20(不限性别)
已确认/已报名 4 / 6
通过人员 高璐, 金鸽, sunshine_1025, 破豆一点缘
通过人员统计 自行前往(4); 
签到人员 暂无签到信息
本帖最后由 破豆一点缘 于 2018-9-14 21:47 编辑

***好消息**阳光可以为参加课堂的志愿者,在“志愿北京“上分配志愿时长,请参加志愿活动的志愿者,在志愿北京 http://www.bv2008.cn/ 上实名注册,然后加入LEAD阳光志愿者组织的项目就可以了。

1. 准备

2. 集合
新人志愿者请准时到达集合地点,并与项目负责人联系 张瑞(18301403680),项目负责人会为志愿者记录考勤,以及告知班级分配情况;如若自行前往,请在上课前到达现场并与项目负责人联系。  

3. 活动

4. 课程分为大班和小班
助教: a. 协助主在不影响课堂进程下维持秩序(课堂中一定要记得维护秩序,不得让学生随意走动,禁止学生有较大的吵闹) b. 记录课堂学生课堂表现 c. 反馈课程总结贴

大班王玉静(ID: sunshine_1025)


5. 结束

3.“个人说明”栏请按这样的格式填写:课程 +角色(主讲 或 助教 或 旁听)+是否参加过本学期培训+学生志愿者需要填写学校。

1. 希望助教们可以拍几张课堂的照片发给我,这样方便我写课后总结,写的时候可以图文结合以增强趣味性。让没有参与的人员可以更清楚地了解课堂情况。

图书馆的网址http://blog.sina.com.cn/readingbook1 (大家如果有不用的图书并且适合孩子们看的 可以捐给图书馆)


1、任何活动均有不确定性,请根据自身的身体状况选择参加并请注意安全,对由此产生的后果、责任和义务有充分考虑。活动参加者请按照活动提示或者常识自备所需装备。          活动发起者有义务对活动进行组织协调,但活动性质属于自由结合、自愿参加、风险自担、责任自负,发起者不会对任何个人承担法律责任。
2、在学校活动期间应当遵守《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》(http://www.edu.cn/20060712/3199459.shtml )及《北京市中小学生人身伤害事故预防与处理条例》(http://review.jcrb.com/zyw/n331/ca283031.htm)等法律法规和学校的相关规定,保证学校和学生的安全、维护学校的正常教学秩序。参加活动的人员不应向学生发放任何食物。










联系电话* (仅限数字)
发表于 2018-9-13 18:20:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunshine_1025 于 2018-9-13 18:21 编辑

通过这学期对 《绿野仙踪》四幕剧剧本的学习,有引导性的对剧本从语法,语句,单词拼读方面进行引导,能够对phonicsgrammar,日常用语, 单词, Reading, 写作各方面能有所提升。

二、 正式上课
【Lesson 1】
1.        WARMUP(15min,第一节课比较特殊)
Ø  大家制作名牌,取英文名,老师,学生,助教,旁听自我介绍
Ø  安排座位分组(选出组长)
Ø  上课记录要求
Ø  我们这学期课程的主讲安排,课程安排《绿野仙踪》四幕剧,道具准备,表演为主线,也会有绘本阅读,语法解释,比如电影主题曲over the rainbow学习..还有一些表演的小知识,大家有什么觉得好玩儿的意见征求
2.        review(15min
Ø  Phonics:
·          元音
·          辅音
·          字母发音
·          字母组合发音
·          …
Ø  Grammar:
·          时态
·          单复数
·          特殊疑问句
·          一般疑问句
·          …
Ø  日常用语
·          Howare you?
·          Niceto meet you
·          Howmuch?
·          …
Ø  Picture books Reading:
·          之前读过的绘本,都学习到那些知识
·          重申一下我们在读绘本时候,需要想的三个问题,也是助教陪孩子第一遍读绘本时的要求
A.       What’sthe main idea?
B.        Canyou summarize the text?
C.        What jumpout at you?
D.       What questiondo you have?
Ø  ….

3.        第一节课总结:给大家发一个学习表单
phonics: 找出不相同的读音的单词
grammar: a. 连线时态题 b. 过去式连线 c. 疑问句连线

【Lesson 2】
1.       WARM UP(5min
Ø  大家想一想关于节日的英语说法
·          中秋节 (The Mid-AutumnFestival)
·          国庆节(National Day)
·          教师节(Teachers’ Day)
·          儿童节(Children’s Day)

Ø  我们生活中碰到的英语
·          Nike (耐克,胜利女神)
·          Sprite(雪碧,鬼怪/调皮鬼)
·          Rejoice(飘柔,欣喜)
·          Giant巨人, 捷安特
·          大家回家看看身边的英语是什么?

2.       《绿野仙踪》 The wizard of Oz 引入
Ø  大家先讨论一下关于绿野仙踪的事情以组为单位,回答下面问题 (15min)
·          时间
·          人物
·          地点
·          事件

Ø  看视频(10min)
Ø  我们的剧本介绍(10min)
Dorothy is a girl who lives in a farmhouse in Kansas with herUncle Henry, Aunt Em, and little dog Toto.
    Oneday the farmhouse, with Dorothy inside, is caught up in a cyclone and depositedin a field in the Land of Oz. The falling house kills the Wicked Witch of theEast.
    TheGood Witch of the North comes and gives Dorothy the ruby slippers that theWicked Witch of the East had been wearing when she was killed. In order toreturn to Kansas, the Good Witch of the North tells Dorothy that she will haveto go to the "Emerald City" and ask the Wizard of Oz to helpher.
3.       学习总结 5min
我们互相认识了,如果大家不了解the wizard of Oz的,回家可以看一下电影,虽然有点儿老,但是蛮好玩儿的,读一下上节课写的那句话。

attachment >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 绿野仙踪 剧本
Wizards of Oz
Dorothy is a girl who lives in a farmhouse in Kansas with herUncle Henry, Aunt Em, and little dog Toto. One day the farmhouse, withDorothy inside, is caught up in a cyclone and deposited in a field in the Landof Oz. The falling house kills the Wicked Witch of the East. The GoodWitch of the North comes and gives Dorothy the ruby slippers that the WickedWitch of the East had been wearing when she was killed. In order to return toKansas, the Good Witch of the North tells Dorothy that she will have to go tothe "Emerald City" and ask the Wizard of Oz to help her.
Language Points
key words: Dorothy, uncle,aunt, Toto, cyclone, house, witch, wicked, slippers, wizard
Note这部分本应有一幕,但该幕对环境设置有较高要求,表演时考虑简化为纸偶+陈述的形式作为一个引子。 授课时可用中文辅助,除关键词让学生理解以外,其他不需重点讲解。
Act I
Lesson 1
Dorothy reaches an intersection.
DOROTHY: Which way should we go?
SCARECROW: That way is a very niceway.
DOROTHY: Oh, thank you very much,Scarecrow!
SCARECROW: And that way is verynice, too.
DOROTHY: Oh no, which way should wego?
SCARECROW: I’m afraid I cannot helpyou, Dorothy. You see, my head is full of straw. I don’t have a brain.
DOROTHY: Oh, I’m going to see thegreat Wizard of Oz. Maybe he can give you some brains.
SCARECROW: Why, that would be great! Let’s go together! Oh, but …(Scarecrowlooks around and remembers that he is tied to the pole and cannot move)
DOROTHY: Oh, let me help you! (Dorothyhelps Scarecrow to get down)
DOROTHY: Now let’s go!
SCARECROW & DOROTHY (skip and sing, arm in arm, here we can add someoutside music)
We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!
We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!

Lesson 2
Dorothy and Scarecrow run into aTin-man
DOROTHY: Look, a tin-man!
TIN MAN: H-H-H-el---p!
DOROTHY: What’s wrong?
SCARECROW: Oh, he is rusted! Hecan’t move!
DOROTHY: Don’t worry, we will helpyou! (Dorothy picks up the oil can)
(Dorothy and Scarecrow help oil the Tin man until he can move his joints.)
TIN MAN: Oh, thank you somuch!!
DOROTHY: You are welcome. I’mDorothy and this is Scarecrow.
TIN MAN: Oh, nice to meet you. I’mTin Man. Where are you going?
DOROTHY: We are going to see theWizard of Oz. He’ll help me get back home.
SCARECROW: And he will give me somebrains.
TIN MAN: Oh, that’s wonderful! Iwish he could give me a heart! Look, (bangs on his chest) Idon’t have a heart! (crying)
SCARECROW: Maybe the Wizard couldgive you a heart, too.
TIN MAN: Yes, maybe!
SCARECROW & DOROTHY & TIN MAN(sing, give outside music)
We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!
We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!
The three travellers enter a forest.
DOROTHY: I don't like this forest!It's -- it's sooooooo dark!
(They run into a lion sitting by a rock crying. When they sees the lion theyall scream and run away, but only to find the lion is doing the same. Then bothparties sneak up from hidden places.)
TIN MAN:D-d-d-don't be afraid.I’v-v-v an a-a-a-x.

Lesson 3
LION: Oh please, don’thit me! I won’t hurt you!
DOROTHY: Why… why are you so scaredof us? Aren’t you a lion?
LION: Yes, I am a lion, but I don’thave any courage! I even scare myself! (crying)
SCARECROW: Oh, that's too bad. Doyou think the Wizard could help him, too?
DOROTHY: Yes. Why don't you comealong with us? Maybe the great Wizard of Oz can give you courage.
LION: Gee, that's -- that's so verynice of you. Let’s go!

We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!
We are off to see the Wizard; the wonderful wizard of OZ!

Language Points
(1) asking for directions
(2) full of
(3) have/don’t have
(4) future tense:be going to/ will
(5) maybe …
(6) give sb. sth.
(7) can/can not
(8) body parts
(9) introduction "This is ..."
(10) it’s very nice of you
…. Teach more if student can understandmore
Note本幕集中体现了主要人物的性格。为控制语言难度, 人物对话上体现的性格特点有限,需要带领学生使用肢体、表情、语音语调来增加表现力。为保持孩子的好奇心,不要一次把全幕故事都讲完,而是按故事的转折分段,以保持悬念。
计划课时:3课时。(Scarecrow, Tin man, Lion 各一课时,分段参见上文分割线。)
Act II
Lesson 4
(Finally, the four reach the corridor tothe Wizard’s Throne Room. They cannot see the Wizard, just hear his terrifyingvoice. )
OZ'S VOICE: The Great Wizard of Oz. Comeforward!
(The four enter the Throne Room and find flame and smoke belching forth fromthe throne)
LION: Oh! Look at that! Look atthat! Oh, Ohhhh, I want to go home, I want to go home!
OZ'S VOICE: I am Oz, the Greatand Powerful!
(The Four trembling and shaking with fear)
OZ'S VOICE: Who are you?
OZ'S VOICE: Who are you?
(The Four react with fear, the others shove Dorothy forward,she comesforward, speaks)
DOROTHY:I, If you please, I..I amDorothy,...the small and meek. We've come to ask you
OZ'S VOICE: Silence!
(Dorothy reacts, turns and runs back to the others --)
OZ'S VOICE: The Great and Powerful Oz knows everything. Step forward.
OZ'S VOICE: ...TinMan!
(The Four -- the Tin Man shakes, speaks – comes wobbling forward --)
TIN MAN: Ohhhh -- it's me!
OZ'S VOICE: You dare to ask me for aheart, do you? (3)
(Tin Man trembling with fea)r
TIN MAN: Ohhhh..yes...yes, sir..Y-Yes, your Honor. You see, I don’t have a heart and…
OZ'S VOICE: Quiet!
TIN MAN: Ohhhhhh!

Lesson 5
(The Tin Man runs back to Dorothy, Lion and the Scarecrow.)
OZ'S VOICE: And you,Scarecrow, you dare to ask for a brain?
(the Scarecrow almost collapses, then moves forward and salaams in front ofthe throne,
Scarecrow kneeling)

SCARECROW: Y-Yes -- Yes, Your Honor-- I mean, Your Excellency -- I -- I mean –
OZ'S VOICE: Enough!  
(Scarecrow rises, runs back to Lion, Tin Man and Dorothy -- )
OZ'S VOICE: ...Uh -- And you, ...Lion!
(the Lion groans with fear as he comes slowly forward -- Lion tries tospeak
-- faints and falls to the floor -- Dorothy and the others run forward to him--)

DOROTHY: Oh -- Oh -- Oh!....
OZ'S VOICE: The great and wonderfulOz can help you. But first you must do something for me. Bring me thebroomstick of the Witch of the West. Now, go!...
OZ'S VOICE: I said, go!
(The four run away in panic, lion runs the fastest. )

Language Points
(1) want to
(2) Wh-words review
(3) ask for
(4) enough
(5) must
Note: 这一幕集中表现奥兹声音的震慑和四位小伙伴的恐惧之间的对比。带领孩子体验通过控制语音语调制造戏剧性的效果。因为奥兹在这一幕“只闻其声不见其人”,可以由多个孩子分担表演。
Lesson 6
(The witch’s place-The witch watches her crystal ball and speaks viciously.)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Mybroomstick? Ha-ha-ha-ha---- The play is on!...
(The witch summons the winged monkeys.)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Gobring me the little girl and her dog! Be careful, don’t drop the ruby slippers!
(The winged monkeys take her order and catch Dorothy with her dog. The otherthree shout and run after the monkeys but they cannot catch up with them. Backto the witch’s place)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Welcome!My little Dorothy. Nice to see you again.
(Dorothy trembles with fear, holding Toto tight. The witch stares at herruby slippers- )
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Ah,ruby slippers…most beautiful-
(When the witch reaches out for the slippers, she falls back because theslippers have magic power.)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Oh, Ialmost forgot… I cannot get those slippers as long as you are alive!
(The witch checks her crystal ball.)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Butbefore I kill you, I have to first finish with your little helpers.

Lesson 6
(The witch grabs Toto from Dorothy andsets it loose. The dog runs away quickly.)
THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Yes,yes, go find the trouble makers and bring them here! Ha-ha-ha-ha---
(Toto reaches the other three. They follow the dog to the witch’s castle,only to find they are trapped by the witch’s guards. )
THE THREE: Oh, we are trapped!
THE WICKED WITCHOF THE WEST: Ha-ha-ha-ha--- Loyal friendship, so very touching. ButI’m afraid friendship won’t save your life!!
(The witch lights her broom and tries to set the Scarecrow on fire. At thismoment, Dorothy lift a bucket of water and throw it at the witch. )
(The Witch screams as the water hits her --she screams and melts away – theWitch curses as she disappears, finally only her cloak and hat remain on thefloor -- her voice fades away --)

THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST: Ohhh-- I'm melting! Melting! Oh -- what a world -- what a world! Ohhhh!Ohhhhhh....
LEADER OF THE GUARDS: She's....she's....dead!You've killed her!
DOROTHY: I -- I didn't mean to killher....really I didn't!
(The Four standing in front of the Winkies – the Leader turns to the othersand speaks -- the Winkies kneel as they hail Dorothy – )
LEADER OF THE GUARDS: Hail toDorothy! The Wicked Witch is dead!
WINKIES: Hail! Hail to Dorothy --The Wicked Witch is dead!

Language Points
(1) Don't ...
(2) have to
(3) present progressive
(4) I didn’t mean to do …
Act IV
Lesson 7
(The four go to see the wizard again,with the witch’s broomstick. )
OZ'S VOICE: Why.......are youhere?
DOROTHY: Please, sir. This isthe broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West.
OZ'S VOICE: Oh ....
DOROTHY: Yes, sir. Please keep yourpromise to us, sir.
OZ'S VOICE: Not so fast! Not.... sofast! I'll have to thinkfor a while. Go away and come back tomorrow!
DOROTHY: Tomorrow? Oh, but I want to go home now.
TIN MAN: You've had enough time already!   
LION: Yeah!
OZ'S VOICE: Silence...! Don’t make the great and powerfulOz angry!   
DOROTHY: If you were really greatand powerful, you'd keep your promises!

Lesson 8
(Dorothy pulls back the curtain toreveal three men at the controls of the throne apparatus -- their back to theaudience. )
OZ'S VOICE: How dare you!! I said -- come backtomorrow!
(Then the wizards find out that they are revealed; They look very ashamed.The others go forth to question them.)
DOROTHY: Who are you?
WIZARD A: Well, we -- we – we arethe Great and Powerful -- Wizard of Oz.
DOROTHY: You three?
WIZARD B: Uhhhh -- yes...
DOROTHY: I don't believe you!
WIZARD C: No, I'm afraid it's true.We are sorry.
(the Scarecrow and Lion speak angrily --)
SCARECROW: You humbugs!
LION: Yeah!
WIZARD A: Yes-s-s -- that...that'sexactly so. We are humbugs!
DOROTHY: Oh .......you're very badmen!
The Wizard reacts, speaks humbly --
WIZARD B: Oh, no, my dear – We’re…we’re very good men. We’re just bad Wizards.
SCARECROW: You'd better be goodenough to keep your promise! (2)
WIZARD C: Uh - now, please don't beangry with us. We’ll- we’ll do anything you say...
Lesson 9
WIZARD A: Well,Scarecrow, you want a brain, right? There are many people we call greatthinkers. They have no more brains than you have.... But! They have one thingyou haven't got! A diploma!
(The wizard awards the Scarecrow a diploma in a formal manner.
The Wizard speaks to the lion)

WIZARD B: Now, as for you, my finefriend -- You think simply because you run away from danger, you have nocourage. You're confusing courage with wisdom. There are many people we callheroes. They have no more courage than you have. But! They have one thing that youhaven't got! A medal!
(The wizard awards the Lion a medal in a formal manner. )
(The Wizard speaks to the Tin man )
WIZARD C: As for you, my sentimental friend, it’slucky not having a heart.
TIN MAN: But I still want one.
WIZARD C: OK -- .... there are manypeople we call… good-deed-doers. They have heart no bigger than yours. But!They have one thing you haven't got! A testimonial!
(The Wizard bends down and gets a heart-shaped watch from his black bag andpresents it to the Tin Man in a formal manner.)
WIZARD C: And remember, myfriend....that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much youare loved by others.
SCARECROW: Hey -- what aboutDorothy?  
TIN MAN: Yes -- how about Dorothy?
LION: Yeah.
WIZARD A: Ah – let me see…
Lesson 10
The Good Witch of the North appears infront of everyone
THE GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH: Don’tworry my child. Look at your ruby slippers. They are magic. They can take youto anywhere you want!...But, are you ready to say goodbye to yourfriends?
DOROTHY: Oh, dear – I want to gohome! But… it's -- it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. I love you all.Goodbye, Tin Man. Oh, don't cry. You'll rust again. Goodbye.
(Dorothy hugseverybody and says goodbye.)
THE GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH: Are you readynow?
THE GOOD WITCH OF THE NORTH: Thenclose your eyes, and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself-- "There's no place like home; there's no place like home; there's noplace like home."
DOROTHY: There's no place like home.There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place likehome…

Language Points
(1) you’d better …
(2) There be
(3) What about/how about
(4) There is no place like home
Note: 这部分巫师的话有很多极富内涵,但语言相对较难,可以用中文来解释,并让学生讨论。比如“什么样的人算是有脑子的/有勇气的/心灵美好的?”巫师由原故事的一人变为三人,便于孩子分担语言难度。


发表于 2018-10-9 08:05:50 | 只看该作者
哇哦~~! 一学期的教案都发了啊~
发表于 2018-10-10 10:10:38 | 只看该作者
时间是9。15?? 写错了吧
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