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[公益信息交流] 剑桥教育为教育项目或NGO提供专业咨询服务

发表于 2009-9-29 08:27:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式






Cambridge Education Provides Consulting Services for

NGO Education Programmes

Cambridge Education is an international education consulting company with more than 25 years’ experience in supporting the development of education. In China, we are committed to support the development of education equity, capacity building and sustainable development in underdeveloped areas through quality education consultancy services. Following our successful management of DFID’s Gansu Basic Education Project (GBEP) from 1999 to 2006, we have been providing technical support and project management services for the Southwest Basic Education Project (SBEP)since 2005. This project directly benefits 1,668,000 children, 77,000 teachers and 8,000 schools in 27 of the poorest counties in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces.

Evaluations and Reviews

We are able to provide independent evaluation services for NGOs undertaking education programmes. Our services provide an independent review of the quality and relevance of NGO supported programmes focusing on the effectiveness of outcomes and value for money.

For example, in 2008 we assisted with a review of Plan’s programmes in primary education. In 2009, we successfully undertook the summative evaluation of Save the Children’s Yunnan Minority Basic Education Project (YMBEP) and the final evaluation of Plan International’s Rural School Improvement Project (RSIP)

Training and Support

Apart for evaluations, we are also able to provide education consulting services for NGOs including preliminary scoping and design of projects. We can also provide consultancy and training service during project implementation. For example, we have provided teachers training to two schools for children of migrant workers and headteachers training to Jiangxi Shangrao County on the basis of the local demand of improving School Leadership through implementing School Development Planning.

We have particular expertise, and regularly run training courses and provide advice to schools and districts, in the following areas:

Ÿ           School development planning (SDP)

Ÿ           School performance evaluation

Ÿ           Headteacher and Leadership training

Ÿ           Teacher training and classroom observation

Our model of training is participative and active. We have had more than a decade of experience in developing these training approaches in a wide variety of settings in China.

Our Staff

Our permanent staff in China are all experienced education consultants who have worked on both national and international programmes. In addition, we are able to draw on our international staff many of whom have worked in China. We also have a large database of Chinese and international associates who have worked with us over many years.

For more information about us, please visit: http://www.camb-ed.com.cn/index_en.asp

If you would like to discuss how we might help you, please email us at emily.ye@camb-edu.com.cn
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