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[一锅烩] 0729一锅烩总结——天狗吃太阳

发表于 2009-8-4 00:47:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

7月29日晚七点,一干人等从北京的四面八方汇集到原点咖啡,与两位骨灰级发烧友——多老师和刘老师一起分享7月22日武汉日全食的奇观。 本次参与活动的童鞋有:老多、三姨、小刘、小Ta、爱因斯坦+他GF、蕾蕾豆、JESSIEY和她的同学、安欣、陈陈、番茄、草莓、兆星、猫导。以及四位新人朋友:墨一、荷叶、飘来荡去(就是吃过世界上最好吃的水煮鱼的支教过的已经被语文组挖角的哥哥)+1 美味的晚餐过后(值得一提的是多老师的客家风味炒苦瓜哟~),科学盛宴拉开了帷幕。屏幕上打出了刘老师的黄鹤楼与日全食全过程合成图,立刻博得了大家的阵阵惊叹。刘老师首先为大家讲解了日食的基本知识,日食分为四种,分别是日全食、日偏食、日环食以及同时包括全食和环食的混合日食。混合日食较为罕见,100年中只出现约6-8次。日食只出现在农历初一的日子,这时当月球运动到地球和太阳中间。但并不是每个初一都会发生,因为白道和黄道间有一个平均为5度09分的交角。只有当三者运动到近似在一条直线上,日食才会出现。 日全食的过程分为初亏、食既、食甚、生光、复圆五个阶段,其中食既是全食的开始,生光是全食的结束,食甚是月球的中心和太阳的中心重合的时刻。对于偏食来说,没有食既和生光,只有三个阶段。 接下来刘老师又为大家讲了日食发生的一个周期——沙罗周期,这个周期由古巴比伦人首先发现,一次日食后经过18年11.3日(4个闰年),或18年10.3日(5个闰年)后就会再次出现。“沙罗”在拉丁文中就是重复的意思。 讲完基本原理,刘老师讲了他对这次日全食的期待与准备,他提前半年就开始准备,还在电脑上设置了倒计时钟,设备方面,赤道仪、望远镜、照相机、摄像机,一应俱全逐一调试,从赤道仪跟踪到设备的控制、架设,整个日食阶段的拍摄计划,调焦、不同阶段的曝光值,甚至CF卡和电池的更换,无不进行了预演。 这场科学盛宴的重头戏是刘老师与我们分享他在日食各个阶段拍摄到的照片,由于天气多云,太阳在云间钻来钻去,曝光量总在不断调整,清晰锐利的焦点更是显示了刘老师高超的摄影技术。全食阶段的一张照片上,右上角隐隐约约的一点红色,那是美妙的日珥从月影边探出头来。 最后,大家又跟着刘老师一起展望了未来5年内关于太阳的天文现象,包括2010年1月15日的丽江日环食,2012年5月20日广东的日环食,还有2012年6月6日的金星凌日。我们可以考虑到时候再组个团啥的,既长知识又开眼界~~ 刘老师讲完后,多老师用半个小时给我们来了一次“日食史话”,从中国最早记录的日食,在《尚书》之中,到诗经里第一次完整的记载,明确提到了“日食”两个字。古巴比伦人计算沙罗周期,泰勒斯第一次推算日食的发生。亚里士多德那个繁复的“水晶天”理论,一层又一层的本轮,怎么看怎么闹心,后来终于叫哥白尼的日心说赶下了台。然后勤勤恳恳的第谷积累大量的天文观测资料,开普勒根据这些资料提出了“行星运动三大定律”,行星轨道是圆形的这个旧观念也被打破了。再后来,哈雷根据万有引力定律计算出了哈雷彗星的轨道和周期,欧拉计算了天王星的轨道,按照万有引力定律的计算结果和观测结果的差异,使得亚当斯和勒威耶计算出了海王星的存在,海王星也成了第一颗“纸上发现的行星”。时间推移,科学也越来越发展,最著名的日全食大概要数1919年的非洲日全食了,在这次日全食中,爱丁顿证明星光通过太阳附近发生了弯折,也就是质量会将空间弯曲,证明了爱因斯坦的广义相对论。 看夜色已晚,大家仍然意犹未尽,久久不愿散去。愿学习科学、热爱科学的氛围在阳光永存~
发表于 2009-8-4 00:51:08 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-4 00:56:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

小TA我这里没有参加人员名单哎。。。帮忙补一下吧= =。。。 写这篇总结的时候,我在看BBC拍摄的科学纪录片《爱因斯坦与爱丁顿》,讲的就是90年前爱丁顿远赴非洲验证广义相对论的故事。里面有这样几句台词: If the cloud breaks at quarter past two tomorrow, and we look up into the heavens, take photographs of the eclipse, we will be scientists at our work. We'll be looking at the poetry of existence. And if Einstein's right, the universe will never look the same again. 果然,世界变得不一样了。 还有个叫齐克尔的家伙说过,假如你连一次壮观的日食都没体验过,你就不能说自己的一生是完美的。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-4 00:58:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

主席你还真快哎。。。 我是“阳光大杂烩”。。。哈哈哈~~
发表于 2009-8-4 01:03:42 | 只看该作者
小TA我这里没有参加人员名单哎。。。帮忙补一下吧= =。。。


If the ...
JessieY 发表于 2009-8-4 00:56

发表于 2009-8-4 12:21:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-4 12:26:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

发表于 2009-8-4 21:47:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

jessie真棒,总结的很全面哈,赞一个 天文学之所以成为人类第一个可以称之为科学的东东,主要就是因为有像日全食这样奇妙的现象发生,虽然亚里士多德没能把这个奇妙的天空描述正确,但他告诉了我们一个方法,那就是观察和逻辑,后人沿着老亚亚的足迹一直走到了今天。大家一起玩吧,让科学之光在阳光闪耀
发表于 2009-8-4 22:13:29 | 只看该作者





发表于 2009-8-4 23:24:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 关关 于 2015-4-2 14:33 编辑

发表于 2009-8-4 23:38:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-5 03:00:10 | 只看该作者
不过有一条我记住了,明年的1月15号吧,有一次什么食,可以去蓬莱看(?)。 正好在春节前组织最后一次集体活动~~
发表于 2009-8-6 15:24:43 | 只看该作者


1) A combination picture shows the sequence of a total solar eclipse as observed in Chongqing municipality July 22, 2009. The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA SOCIETY IMAGES OF THE DAY ENVIRONMENT) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

2) A roof corner of the Yellow Crane Tower is silhouetted against a partial solar eclipse in Wuhan, Hubei province July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA SOCIETY) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

3) Local residents watch a solar eclipse on the peak of Malu Mountain in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/China Daily (CHINA SOCIETY) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

4) A total solar eclipse darkens the skies in Chongqing municipality July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA SOCIETY SCI TECH ENVIRONMENT CITYSCAPE IMAGES OF THE DAY) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

5) The moon passes between the sun and the earth during a total solar eclipse as seen in Suining, Sichuan province July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

6) Residents use welding masks to watch the solar eclipse in Taiyuan, Shanxi province July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA

7) A man uses a piece of smoked glass to observe a solar eclipse in Baokang, Hubei province July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)

A statue of Houyi, a Chinese legendary hero who shot down nine suns with his bow and arrow, is silhouetted against a partial solar eclipse in Changzhi, Shanxi province July 22, 2009. The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. Picture taken with double exposure. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)

A statue of Chairman Mao Zedong is silhouetted against a partial solar eclipse in Wuhan, Hubei province July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)

10) A dinosaur sculpture is silhouetted, outside a themed restaurant, against a partial solar eclipse in Taipei, July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. REUTERS/Pichi Chuang (TAIWAN ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY)

11) The minaret of a mosque is silhouetted against a partial solar eclipse in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region July 22, 2009 in this photo released by China's official Xinhua News Agency. REUTERS/Xinhua/Wang Peng (CHINA) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA.

12) A combination picture shows the Bund on the banks of the Huangpu River during the various stages of a total solar eclipse in Shanghai July 22, 2009. A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow path of Asia, where it was expected to darken the skies for millions of people for more than six minutes in some places. (Top to bottom - picture shows before, during and after the total solar eclipse.) REUTERS/Aly Song (CHINA)
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