本帖最后由 加肥猫 于 2011-6-24 04:29 编辑
北京LEAD阳光志愿者俱乐部(简称“LEAD阳光或阳光志愿者”)是一个独立运作、专注于为流动儿童教提供志愿教育机会的纯民间志愿者组织。成立于2003年6月1日,主要利用互联网的广泛联络功能和口口相传的宣传形式,以 明确的宗旨——“让教育实现梦想(Letting Education Achieve Dreams)”及“身体力行”的公益行动吸引有意愿的年青人主动靠拢,使社会个体的零散资源聚集在一起。再通过“周末课堂”的形式,组织志愿者为北京城区打工子弟学校的孩子提供英语、计算机、艺术(音乐、绘画、舞蹈)、兴趣(科普)、语文(国学启蒙)、趣味经济等课外课程。
LEAD is purely a “grassroots” organization formed and survival based on the internet society. It was formed in 2003, aiming at vulnerable children educational resource fairness, that where LEAD--let education achieve dreams-comes from. The members are mainly the youths come from lower middle class, including “white collar”, university students, self-employed, etc. With the accumulated time and resources from each of members, we provide the mobile children in the pre-agreed non-government schools series of weekend classes in English, Traditional Chinese Culture, math, astronomy, scientific experiment, etc. according to the need and availability.
In LEAD, there is no full time member, no capital involvement, no relied government or half-government department or other NGO, fully independent operation. Transportation and lunch expenses occurred are shared by attended members. |