本帖最后由 蕾蕾豆 于 2012-10-12 09:42 编辑
Part 1:
Lulu 自我介绍 + 助教自我介绍 + 点名认识同学们
Part 2:
Part 3:
按照助教老师名字抽签将全班重新分3组安排座位,(主要为了把郝天一和宋文娜分开,太闹了…)。请助教老师们此环节一定要帮忙控场。 让学生记住之前自己前后左右是谁,分组后前后左右是谁。 分组过程顺便复习方位词. On the right, on the left, in front, behind, near, far Eg: 同木子上节课内容I’m Karen, lily is on my left, Cicy is on my right, and jack is in front of me, bill seats behind of me.
Part 4:
检查作业并复习词汇、句型 上周木子布置的作业:每个人画一幅画,自己的居住环境,途中至少要包含5 处生活中常去的场所,用英文标注,然后用所学英文介绍,不少于3句话
请同学们描述图画之前先复习上节课词汇:Hospital, Cinema, Post office, Bookstore, Science museum, shopping center, zoo, bank, super market, restaurant /salon ,Summer palace, the Forbidden City, The Temple of heaven, lama temple 老师先示范三句话:I’m Lulu. There is a bank in front of my house and a park on the right. There is also a shopping center near my home. The shopping center is on the left of the bank. 2分钟同学准备小组内部互相描述,请助教老师辅导,之后每组派出一名同学做示范。
Part 5:How can I get to the museum?
这里有图粘不过来 词汇:turn right; turn left; go straight take bus Q: Excuse me, where is the post office? A: It’s next to the cinema. Q: How can I get there? A: Take No.1 bus. Get off at the cinema. Go straight for 3miuntes. It’s on the left. Q: .Thank you very much. A: You’re welcome./ No problem. 游戏环节: 每组排出一名同学,蒙住眼睛拿着贴图,队友用学到的英文单词句型进行引导,如蒙眼同学将贴图贴到准确位置,该组得一分。根据时间安排几组参赛。
Part 6: