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[分享与心得] 刚看了阳光论坛很多资料,很感动

发表于 2011-3-22 22:55:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2011-3-22 23:11:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-22 23:25:17 | 只看该作者
really nice one,thank you for sharing

Here are some ways to thank and support your volunteers.

1.Create a climate in which volunteers can feel motivated-done
2.Say thank you often, and mean it-done
3.Match the volunteer’s desires with the organisation’s needs
4.Send birthday cards-done via website
5.Provide a clear role description for every volunteer
6.Make sure new volunteers are welcomed warmly-done
7.Highlight the impact that the volunteer contribution is having on the organisation
8.Show an interest in volunteers’ personal interests and their outside life-done and very done as八卦
9.Tell volunteers they have done a good job -always
Always have work for your volunteers to do and never waste their time
1.Give volunteers a real voice within the organisation-done
2.Set up a volunteer support group-not fully
3.Provide meaningful and enjoyable work
4.Send ‘thank you’ notes and letters when appropriate
5.Smile when you see them!-always
6.Say something positive about their personal qualities-should be
7.Involve volunteers in decision-making processes-push push~~
8.Give a certificate to commemorate anniversaries of involvement-done for excellent volunteer
9.Develop a volunteer policy-done
10.Allow volunteers the opportunity to debrief, especially if they work in stressful situations-yes!
11.Let volunteers put their names to something they have helped to produce or to make happen
12.Differentiate clearly between the roles of paid staff, trainees and volunteers-emmmm
13.Have a volunteer comments box and consider any suggestions carefully-a nice suggestion~
14.Make sure the volunteer coordinator is easily accessible and has an ‘open door’ policy15.Provide insurance cover
16.Supervise volunteers’ work-need to work out this one
17.Have a vision for volunteer involvement in your organisation
18.Do not impose new policies and procedures without volunteers’ input
19.Ask volunteers themselves how the organisation can show it cares
20.Permit volunteers to attend seminars, conferences and workshops from time to time
21.Give volunteers a proper induction
22.Celebrate the year’s work together-yes!
23.Offer to write volunteers letters of reference
24.Accept that different volunteers are able to offer different levels of involvement-indeed!
25.Accept that an individual volunteer’s ability to commit may change over time-yes
26.Ask volunteers’ opinions when developing new policies and strategies
27.Make sure the Director (in large organisations) shows her/his personal appreciation of the
28.volunteers’ work
29.Pass on any positive comments about volunteers from clients to the volunteers themselves
30.Provide the opportunity for ‘leave of absence’
31.Add volunteers to memo and e-mail distribution lists-done
32.Set solid goals for volunteers and keep communicating them33.Provide car or bike parking for volunteers
34.Give the volunteer a title which reflects the work they do (not just ‘volunteer’)-emmm,some core volunteer
35.Consider providing, or paying for, child care for volunteers who are parents
36.Inform the local press about the excellent work of your volunteers-wow
37.Undertake individual supervision and support sessions
38.Always be courteous
39.Maintain regular contact with volunteers, even if they work ‘off-site’ or at odd hours
40.Allow volunteers to ‘get out’ without feeling guilty
41.Keep volunteers informed of changes in structure and personnel
42.Provide adequate clothing and name badges if appropriate
43.Use quotes from volunteers in leaflets and annual reports-nice suggestion
44.Devote resources (time and money) to volunteer support
45.Count up how many hours volunteers contribute and publicise this-a good one!
46.Ensure all paid staff and trainees know how to work effectively with volunteers
47.Provide accredited training
48.Hang a volunteer photo board in a prominent position
49.Give volunteers the opportunity to evaluate their own performance and role
50.Do not overwhelm volunteers
51.Build volunteers’ self-esteem by giving them a sense of ownership of their work
52.Always be appreciative of volunteers’ contributions
53.Ensure volunteers have adequate space and equipment to do their work
54.Provide excellent training and coaching
55.Recognise that volunteers play a unique role
56.Have an annual volunteer award ceremony-yes!
57.Focus on the problem, if there is one, not the personality of the volunteer-indeed
58.Create two-way communication processes59.Have occasional lunches, dinners, barbecues, picnics, etc
60.Create a volunteer notice board
61.Set up a volunteers forum
62.Allow volunteers to get involved in solving problems
63.Pay for an eye test if they sit in front of a computer all day
64.Review the progress of volunteers on a regular basis65.Reimburse out-of-pocket expenses
66.Send a card at Christmas
67.Conduct an exit interview when a volunteer leaves
68.Have a ‘volunteer voice’ section in your newsletter
69.Be honest at all times
70.Provide constructive appraisal
71.Make volunteers feel good about themselves
72.Don’t treat volunteers as ‘second class citizens’
73.Ensure confidentiality for your volunteers
74.Present an occasional inexpensive gift
75.Provide volunteers with a ‘rights and responsibilities’ charter
76.Don’t bully them into doing tasks which they have made clear they don’t want to do
77.Give free membership to your organisation
78.Ensure you have adequate support skills yourself
79.Ask why volunteers are leaving or have left
80.Throw a volunteers party
81.Use surveys as a way of eliciting your volunteers’ views
82.Provide free refreshments during coffee and tea breaks
83.Celebrate United Nations International Volunteer Day (5 December each year)
84.Suggest sources of help and support for personal problems
85.Allow volunteers to air legitimate grievances and make sure they are dealt with swiftly
86.Send a card or flowers if volunteers are ill or bereaved
87.Encourage them to sit on committees and attend meetings
88.Ensure a safe and healthy working environment
89.Allow volunteers to take on more challenging responsibilities
90.Make sure that every volunteer has equal access to support
91.Evaluate volunteer involvement on an ongoing basis
发表于 2011-3-23 17:34:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-23 21:49:08 | 只看该作者
回复 4# 十月

发表于 2011-3-23 21:52:18 | 只看该作者
回复 1# 广运毕城

发表于 2011-3-23 23:13:07 | 只看该作者
回复 4# 十月

发表于 2011-3-24 18:12:13 | 只看该作者
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