Volunteer Agreement (志愿者协议)
CMC counts ourselves lucky to have you involved as a volunteer in a program to benefit migrant children! We are committed to providing real change in the lives of migrant children and since you are part of that, committed to making it the best possible experience for you as a volunteer. Please let us know throughout what we can do to better serve you as you serve the children. Since this is a partnership between the migrant children, CMC and yourself, we would like to invite you to enter into an agreement for the duration of your commitment.
Agreement with Mission of CMC(志愿者协议书)
I, the undersigned, agree to abide by the mission, vision, values and policies of Compassion of Migrant Children (refer to CMC volunteer handbook). I have read and agreed to the policies and other content of the Volunteer Handbook. Understanding the team environment, I will approach my teammates, the project, and the children with a serving attitude. I will by no means accept personal tangible benefit from this work, either financial or otherwise. I will, to the best of my ability, fulfill the dates of service I agreed to and will follow the guidelines if I need a replacement so that the children can receive uninterrupted benefit. I choose to be excellent in my work, ethical in my dealings, and kind to those I am serving. I agree with CMC that these children of migrant workers, as those who are disadvantaged, deserve the best I have to give.
____________________________________ [Printed Name 楷体姓名]
____________________________________ [Signed Name 签名]
____________________________________ [Date 日期] |