本帖最后由 启中 于 2015-3-27 08:58 编辑
Unit1 The ugly duckling 一:必备单词:happy sit pretty play with Sad tired cold warm wing 二:教学准备:以上单词的词卡,音乐,画笔 A4纸人手一张 四:Review: 1,介绍自己introduce myself.然后一个助教上来给大家做示范,之后请孩子们给大家打招呼。 2,玩小律动,活跃课堂气氛: A,(英语律动)clapclap your hands stamp your feet touch your knees shake your head B(英语律动)u have 1 I have 1,2 little children see a big man u have 2 I have 2,4little children go to school 3,3,6 plant a tree 4,4,8 go to the door. C(英语律动)1 finger turn turn turn …10 mintes 五:presentation:出示卡片,look, today there are somenew friends come here and play with us.who are they?they are ducks.there is amommy duck,and they are baby duckings.lets count how many ducks.1.2.3….,here are 4baby ducks.butwhats this(手指一个蛋)thisis an egg. 然后播放此文的音频,让孩子们听。10 mintes 六:Today lets learn some newwords,老师读,鼓励孩子念出来并作出TPR动作,happy,做出高兴的表情。Sit做坐下动作。Pretty作小女孩状。Play with sad tired cold warm swan wing (所用到的游戏)1老师出示一个单词,根据老师的手势变换声音大小 2孩子分两组说单词,根据孩子表现老师在黑板上画方块,哪组声音大就可以得到一个方块,到最后看看哪组的方块最高。20mintes 以上是第一节课内容2:30-3:10pm 一:Review the english rhythm and play games with kids: A:shake shake up shake shakedown shake shake shake shake lets turn around :shake shake up shake shake downshake shake shake shake lets sing asong. B: hello hello how r u ?finefine thankyou hello hello how r u ?no no its terrible 10 mintes 二,practice: 1,抢卡片:把卡片放中间,老师说出一个单词,几个孩子一起围着单词走,边走边唱歌walking walking ,hoping hoping runing runing runingnow lets stop.当停的时候,孩子们去抢这个单词。 3.五体投地,老师把单词放到地上,说到哪个单词,孩子就用身体的一个部位touch这些单词。 15mintes 三:play a game :问: who want to play with me? 引导孩子用I want to play with u 回答。用TPR教学 ,让每个孩子都会使用play with 谁回答出来就可以起立玩游戏。15mintes 以上是第二节课内容 3:20--4:00 一;warm up 二:review:检验孩子们掌握情况 老师把单词写到黑板上,提问到哪一个,请一个孩子用粉笔circle it. 三:如果时间充足,可以让孩子draw a duck.