
阳光每日英语影视版之开篇--When Harry...^xiaoyang^2005-02-20 00:55
The film opens with (以…开始)the two strangers, both newly graduated from the University of Chicago, share a car trip from Chicago to New York, where they are both going to make their way(make ones’ way means begin to make progress in his/her career or an activity比如,我今年就要毕业,就可以说I am just beginning to make my way in life.).

go on^xiaoyang^2005-02-20 00:56
During the trip, they discuss aspects of their characters and their lives, eventually deciding it is impossible for men and women to be "just friends." "Men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way," 这是Harry的declaration.(宣言),或者可以说是viewpoint-观点,类似的词汇还有很多,比如perspective(意为视角,you could say that I have gained a global perspective.全球视角 or historical perspective历史的视角) 但是如果有同学想用argument,就不是太合适了,因为argument是说对于一个观点的论证,如果没有证明的过程,without argument, an idea does not hold water.(论点站不住脚)。而在电影中,Harry显然没有给出任何的论据,无论是生理学,心理学,社会学或者事实论据,他只是说了那么一句,"Men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way," Get in the way, 就是阻拦事情顺利进行的意思,比如我说 I never let unimportant details get in the way of planning.那么,Does the sex part always get in the way? This film is wise enough to have only raised the question instead of giving an answer to it. But actually, this is the eternal burning question(困扰以久非常想知道答案的问题,前面的burning很形象的说明了急切的程度) for many people in pursuit of a type of lifelong friendship. 这里有一个词叫做platonic love拨拉图式的爱恋,或者就做精神恋爱,有人很向往,有人觉得很可怕,but every one to his like(各有所爱),只要两个人felt made for each other(天生一对,还有什么Mr. Right一类的词),那些就只是具体的形式而已啦,however, this is my personal viewpoint, and it is only for reference(个人观点,仅供参考)

They arrive in New York and go their separate ways. They meet a few years later on an airplane and Harry reveals(说起) he is married. And at that moment, sally was having a serious relationship with someone. (serious relationship可以认为是比较认真的,或者是感情比较深的关系,其实美国人比像我们想象attach more importance to fidelity to the other half.(更加重视对婚姻的忠诚,有机会的话,以后我还可以和大家说说一个典型的Christian婚礼上牧师的Lines)
此处关于marry有很多话可以讲的,不过最基本的还是marry someone. 中间不用加任何介词的。还有就是marry someone to someone, 把某人嫁给某人,有点包办婚姻的意思了。不过还有一个旧社会痕迹更重的,叫做marry someone off to someone, 不仅是包办,而且还是打发性质的,这样家庭的女孩子实在可怜!关于marriage, 想起我在火车上看的一部片,讲一个原本为了继承财产而到处找人结婚的美国男青年,终于有一次在与一个结过婚的priest(牧师)泛舟湖面,听他讲述老百姓自己的故事后,开始真正的向往神圣的婚姻时,牧师说了句话, “Welcome to the other side.” Quite a moving scene.
and then^xiaoyang^2005-02-20 00:56
Go on with Harry and Sally story. They meet again at a bookstore a few years after that where Harry reveals he is now divorced(离婚). From that point on, the two form a friendship. 其中有一大段是他们一起探讨the relationship between man and woman。这段对白是很有意思的, 如果有时间有兴趣,同学们可以找来好好的看看。不过后来,他们的关系最终还是突破了神圣的友谊。当sally know that her former boy friend is engaged, her heart breaks, and ask Harry for reassurance(安慰),at first it is only a leaning on the shoulder(借肩膀一用),but then they are heading to something great.此处略去具体的描绘,(不过个人认为这里处理的比较奇怪,没有理由啊。。。)从那之后,他们似乎都陷进了一个difficult situation(困难处境), and do not know how to make up(挽回) the messed up relationship. 也许有时,the only thing we need is the declaration of love? 不过,此处我想刘一点点的空间给还么有看过这部电影的同学,结尾就部说了。不过还是想share with you my favorite line:最后Harry said: When you realize you wanr to spend the rest of your life, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
soory, the last line is^xiaoyang^2005-02-20 08:51
When you realize you want to spent the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
勤勉呀chenyan2005-02-20 09:04
哎呀_华_叔_2005-02-20 11:07



师伯们那里都打点好了么?chenyan2005-02-20 11:19
hehe 阳光小麦2005-02-20 21:34
小样真的厉害啊,这个片子应该是6,70年代人看的, 很好的影片,只是不能确定是不是80年代后的影片,据说很多人看了此片后,疯狂的迷上了美格瑞恩,由此可见其魅力的演出
^xiaoyang^2005-02-20 23:04
我是看过后才知道有人的评价是quite an old romance ...但是还是很喜欢呀。。。
晕倒。。。原子2005-02-21 09:39
小扬chenyan2005-02-21 10:35
欢喜+发愁醒醒2005-02-21 11:02
醒醒原子2005-02-21 12:59
原子醒醒2005-02-21 13:14
欢喜:girl cover boys
忧愁:my english is very poor.
嗯,原子2005-02-21 13:24
好的醒醒2005-02-21 13:44
嗯。。。。^xiaoyang^2005-02-21 16:58
我不像某人has strong desire to "cover" others,不过事已至此,形式所迫,我只好这样cover下去了。。。。哎。。。
醒醒~^xiaoyang^2005-02-21 16:59
哇塞!不是小新家的小白~2005-02-21 19:32
....^xiaoyang^2005-02-21 19:35