招募JA志愿者日的志愿者(Volunteers for... | Tracyy | 2004-09-24 15:37 |
JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT VOLUNTEER DAY “INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED!” 9:00AM-11:00AM, OCT 23, 2004 Ten Universities in Beijing 国际青年成就组织中国部将于2004年10月23日在北京,上海两地组织一次大型的志愿者活动。600多名志愿者,来自20多所大中院校的2500多名学生将参与此次活动。届时商业界的志愿者将和同学们面对面地交流成功经验,畅谈人生经历。您只需花半天的时间,把您的经验与同学们分享,可能会给他们带来巨大的帮助! 助人者人助之 爱人者人爱之 加入JA,爱心回报社会 奉献热情,世界因你而改变 期待你的参与。。。。。 What is Junior Achievement Volunteer Day? On October 23, 2004, Junior Achievement® China (www.jachina.org) would sponsor Junior Achievement Volunteer Day. This is a one-day volunteer event taking place concurrently in Beijing and Shanghai. For one-day, professionals from various leading multinational companies in China would teach concepts in economics to middle/high school students and career development workshops to university students. Over 2,000 students would benefit as you join over 500 other volunteers in this effort! Why should I do it? Give back to your community – Youth development is one of the most meaningful ways with which you can give back to your local community. You are the role model! You are the leader - This would be the largest one-day volunteer event in China to-date, wouldn’t you want to be the pioneer? Further develop your presentation and teamwork skills – You will get a chance to present your experiences and work with students. Meet and bond with other like-minded professionals – You will get a chance to meet with other professionals and together share and celebrate volunteerism in your community. It is easy and fun! What’s a more meaningful way to spend your Saturday? How do I get involved? Complete the following sign up form. Email it back to irenebao@jachina.org (for Beijing) or isa@jachina.org (for Shanghai). Deadline to sign-up: Sept 30, 2004 Questions? Irene Bao (for Beijing) +86 10 6551 5235 Isa Luo (for Shanghai) +86 21 6415 9398#1172 Name: __________________________________ Email: __________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Current Employer: _________________________, Title: _____________________________ ============================== 商业顾问-《国际市场》项目简介 商业顾问志愿者项目是国际青年成就组织的一项志愿者项目。国际青年成就组织(International Junior Achievement China)旨在激励青少年学习和掌握在激烈竞争的市场经济舞台上如何生活和工作的能力。 国际青年成就组织是一个成立于1919年、总部设在美国的非盈利组织。她以对学生进行有关经济和商业知识教育为使命,通过一套精心设计开发的教材和来自商业界的志愿者的生动讲解,使学生们对学习充满了兴趣和热情。企业的赞助使得国际青年成就组织能够无偿的在各级学校(从小学到大学) 普及商业和经济学知识。我们启迪和帮助青少年正确认识和理解市场经济制度的重要性,通过学习和参与商业和经济活动来提高他们综合素质和未来的生活质量。我们的目标是确保中国的每一个孩子都能在全球化的挑战中做好准备。 如今,JA 每年通过15万志愿者的努力,在全世界112个国家中为超过600万的学生开展商业和经济学的教育。1993年,国际青年成就组织中国部在中国成立。 《国际市场》课程是商业顾问项目的一门课程,面对初中的孩子,总共10课。它是鼓励中学的孩子门进行思考,主动参与,了解国际市场的一门课程。课程介绍了与国际贸易有关的资源,进出口,贸易壁垒,汇率,跨国公司等知识。通过学习,学生们将了解为什么要进行国际贸易,资源的稀缺性以及环境保护与经济发展之间的关系等等。课程编排有教师用书,学生用书和工具包。授课的过程是让有爱心的志愿者和孩子门分享他们实际工作的经历和取得成功的经验,更具有吸引力。 青少年是我们的未来,是我们的一切。鼓励梦想,实现成功。这些是所有参与国际青年成就组织的人所拥有的热情和信念。 跟帖报名,或者发信给我们都可以。我们会及时根据报名情况组织相关的培训。 以往活动帖参考: http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=1088460 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=1093136 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=1093136 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=981759 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=973877 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=981129 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=981163 http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/forumlist.asp?club=92&writing=997105 |
注意事项! | Tracyy | 2004-09-24 15:41 |
和JA协商之后, 我们将以阳光志愿者俱乐部的名义统一报名, 请大家跟帖报名, 或者给王硕和我发信报名! 在活动的时候, Irene将会把我们安排到同一个学校。 有关学校的list会后续贴出! | ||
关注 | gracekiller | 2004-09-25 10:35 |
如果没其他更要紧的事情,就去。感受一下气氛! | ||
活动报名请到活动公告栏 | chenyan | 2004-09-26 00:31 |
http://www.ctrip.com/community/club/actionwriting.asp?writing=1144971&club=92 | ||
mail info, in case you can't reply in BBS | chenyan | 2004-09-26 00:37 |
Tracy: Tracymemo@etang.com 王硕: shuow@vip.sina.com | ||
去不了咯:( | skycore | 2004-10-13 17:30 |
公司23号要外出活动,且必须参加:( | ||
Agenda of JA Volunteer Day ! | Tracyy | 2004-10-15 13:01 |
Detail information about the Oct. 23 event l What’s the purpose of the event? We hope to give college students an opportunity to talk with employees from multi-national companies to understand more about the career options, resume writing and interview skills. l Where the event will take place? We have 9 universities in Beijing to participate , they are n 北京大学 n 清华大学 n 北京航天航空大学 n 北京科技大学 n 北京交通大学 n 中国矿业大学 n 北京林业大学 n 对外经贸大学 n 中央财经大学 l How long the event will last? 9:00am—12:00am l What the volunteers will do? We have two kinds of volunteers-presenting volunteers and experience sharing volunteers Presenting volunteers: we have three classes in each school, for each class, presenting volunteers will talk about the key points for one topic (among the three, career options, cv writing and interview skills) for 15 minutes; JA will provide PPT for the presenting volunteers. They have the option to put more items in. Experience sharing volunteer: share your experiences with one group of students and answer their questions. No special preparation needed, just tell the students your own experiences. | ||
志愿者有要求的啊? | 鱼儿游啊游 | 2004-10-20 19:06 |
刚仔细看了一下活动内容,原来是要我们跟大学生分享面试、简历这些经验啊,可是自己还是学生呢,可以去旁听,只听不说吗? |